Breast changes during pregnancy - what to expect when you are expecting
The first thing to note about being pregnant is that every woman is different. One thing you can be sure of, though, is that your breasts will grow (maybe lots) during pregnancy! How much they grow and at what rate will depend on your body, but it's common to increase at least 2 bra cup sizes, starting from around 6-8 weeks.
During this time the breast flesh and nipples can become sensitive and often itchy as the hormones in your body are changing. As the milk ducts start filling with milk this can make the skin stretch, leading to a sensitivity of both the skin and the nipples.
During early pregnancy, wearing a supportive pregnancy bra can do wonders for your levels of comfort. In our opinion, it's fine to wear an underwire bra during your 1st and 2nd trimesters, providing that your bra fits perfectly, and the underwires are sitting correctly and away from the breast flesh (important even if you're not pregnant). Look for a bra that offers good support in both the cup and the shoulder strap - a wider shoulder strap will offer more comfort as it distributes the weight of the breast flesh. A wire free bra is also a good option.
Now it's time to move on to a non-wire bra. It's important to make sure there are no pressure points on your boobs as this can be a cause of Lactational Mastitis - ouch.
Now for the fun part - picking a Maternity Bra!
Look for a maternity bra made with good fabrics and elastics. Taking into account the sensitivity of the breast flesh, a maternity bra should have covered seams to prevent irritation. It should have more hooks and eyes that a normal bra to allow for the diaphragm to expand during pregnancy. It should also have drop-down cups with more stretch at the top to allow for the fluctuation in breast size during the day. The drop-down cup should come down far enough to allow the whole of the baby's face to get to the nipple without being caught up in the cup. Babies breathe through their nose so we need to make sure that the whole of their face is free of the cup.
The frame holding the rest of the bra up whilst the cup is dropped down, should be strong enough but flexible enough to allow the breast flesh to expand, but not cut into the flesh. The clip needs to be easily done up with one hand. You become super dexterous with a baby and can do so many more things one-handed!
It's a good thing our Maternity Bra takes all of these factors into account! You can shop our Maternity Bras here.
We highly recommend professional bra fittings. It's the best way to determine your size and will ensure you are the most comfortable during your pregnancy and beyond.
Next steps
Our team of Bra Gurus are always on hand for help. You can email any questions to us at braguru@roseandthorne.com.
You can find your perfect Rose & Thorne bra size at home with our helpful Bra Fit Tools and Bra Sizing Advice, including our Bra Size Calculator and our Bra Size Chart.
Find your perfect bra. View our full range of bras online.
Shop our range of Maternity bras, super comfortable and supportive!